Policy for PhD

All PhD students are admitted with full funding, so the department will cover tuition, general university fees, and health insurance. PhD students will also receive a stipend whose amount depends on whether you are a grader, teaching assistant (TA), or research assistant (RA).

Policy for MS

The department does not offer any financial support of MS students, but students can look for outside funding.

Funding sources


Teaching Assistants & Graders

TAs and graders are contracted to work 20 hr/week, but most students do not. Responsibilities may include holding office hours, leading lab/recitations sessions, and grading homework assignments. The type and amount of work assigned to each TA/grader often depends on the course and professor that they are working with.


Research Assistants

RAs are able to dedicate their time to doing research with their advisor(s).


The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) is a highly competitive fellowship for research-based MS and PhD domestic students in STEM. Students can apply the year before , during the first year, or during the second year of graduate school. Those who are awarded this fellowship will be financially supported for three years.


Although this is not as common, some students receive funding from companies in exchange for working with them during the year.